We Care Together Attain Great CQC Rating

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We Care Together is proud to announce the results of our latest CQC inspection. We have been awarded the grade of good, the second-highest rating available. This excellent achievement is a result of the hard work, dedication and determination to deliver the very best in-home care in Hampshire of the entire We Care Together team.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. They are responsible for auditing and reviewing health and social care providers across the country to ensure care services are delivered to the highest possible standards. The CQC’s mission is to ensure care companies deliver safe, effective, compassionate and respectful high-quality levels of care. Over the last few years, the CQC has refined its criteria to ensure care levels in England are continuing to improve across the board.

There is now an increased emphasis on “Person-Centred Care” where care providers must demonstrate their service and treatment levels are tailored to the individual, their specific needs and requirements. In addition to this, there is now a sharper focus on ensuring care organisations are delivering their services to clients with dignity and respect. There have been a number of high-profile cases where these traits have clearly been lacking, therefore this shift from the CQC aims to ensure these situations do not arise in the future, believing everyone in England has the right to safe, reliable care tailored to their particular needs delivered with dignity and respect.

These are values that have always been at the heart of what We Care Together offers and we are happy these have been recognised by the CQC’s report. The rating takes into account 5 core areas of care: Safety, Effective Care, Caring Approach, Responsiveness and Well-Led Team. We are pleased that we scored “Good” across the board. The report stated “People received appropriate assistance with meals and drinks and to access healthcare services. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice”

We would like to thank the whole team and our wonderful clients for this great achievement.